Blog 10 | Coding it Out | SkrrtPark | 🎃

The visuals of our concept are interfaced using an IMU connected to a Sparkfun Redboard. The board is attached to the balancing ball to get movement data. Code for Arduino/RedBoard   Code for Blender The visuals were made on Blender, which utilises python code to read data from serial and move the 3D object a.k.a…

Blog 9|Building the BOX|SkrrtPark | 🎃

Our entire concept revolves around “THE BOX”. And what a mighty box it is. Took us 3 days of continuous work from 10 am to 5pm so that we could finish it on time for the Pilot SK.8 event. The box was designed to do 3 things. Hold the prism Contain and hide the computer…

Blog 4 |Week 5 & 6|SkrrtPark

Most of Week 5 was a busy week. We spend nights working on our report, compiling and analysing our background research linking that with user and site research and coming up with our concepts. It wasn’t easy to come up with concepts, but it sure was fun. Brainstorming ideas, getting a sense of what users…