Week 14 Concept Video (DJ DROP THE BEAT)

Name: William (Yude Xu) / Ryan (Yang Ren) / Muhammad Hussain In our concept video, we want to explain our concept clearly, therefore, in our concept video, the video has been divided into three parts, including traditional skate park, our concept, feedbacks from users. In the first part, we concluded some key words from our…


Name: William (Yude Xu) / Ryan (Yang Ren) / Muhammad Hussain In our project, we need a six meters led strip connected together. We need to figure out how to get a six meters led strip.  The initial idea was connecting four led strips together. We connected three one-meter length led strips and one three-meters…

Week 10 Sensor Test (TEAM DJ DROP THE BEAT)

Name: William (Yude Xu) / Ryan (Yang Ren) / Muhammad Hussain During these two weeks we purchased several ultrasonic sensors from Little bird so that we could conduct testing in outdoor scenario to find which best suits our needs. (In terms of effective detection distance in beam length and width). The first sensor we bought…

Week 5 Video Making (Team DJ DROP THE BEAT)

Name: William (Yude Xu) / Ryan (Yang Ren) / Muhammad Hussain This week our team went to Waterloo skate park to shoo the Video. The reasons for choosing this skate park was that we want to find a difference skate park to find some thing different, and Sydenham skate park has loud airplanes’ noise that…

Week 3 Team Charter

Team Name: DJ DROP THE BEAT Team Number: Ryan(Yang Ren), William(Yude Xu) Today,  we had a discussion on the team charter for assessment 1, assessment 2, and assessment 3. The team charter helps us to know each other, skills, ability and what kinds of working styles members prefer. Also, we had a chat about our…