Everything is Fine – Week 10 Blog

This past week was further spent on project logistics leading up to the SK.8 event. There was no Saturday class this week. Friday’s morning class essentially dealt with a Rhino crash course, ostensibly to prepare us for 3D printing. In the afternoon, we had a checklist session for our project, where a tutor marked us…

Everything is Fine | Week 8 – In progress presentations

This week, we conducted our in class progress presentations. These presentations were essentially to showcase our progress with the ideation by narrowing down on a concept idea, identifying constraints and other limitations, and our suggestions on how to work around them. The actual presentation did not take too long to make, as our group members…

Assignment 1

  This Friday, our group burned the proverbial midnight oil working on getting the assignments in on time. All three of us work close to full time during the week, and unexpected work delays prevented us from hitting some of the planned deadlines in the group charter. The video portrait was done by Shane using…

Blog week 4 – Sydenham Skatepark visit

Team 6 – Everything is Fine During our visit to the Sydenham skatepark our team split up to observe multiple aspects of the skatepark. We then had a retrospective to pull together the various insights and observations learned from the visit. We were able to share a multitude of insights derived from mapping the space,…