Team10 Blog#13 week14

At the event, our team was glad that we got lots of positive feedbacks about our interactive design. The statements picked from the interview question “what aspects of the experience did you find enjoyable” were: “effective visualize movements of skaters”, “colourful patterns attract attention” and “track multiple skaters at the same time”. Our group also received…

Team 10 Blog#7 Week 10

This week, our team began to think about some evaluation methods for the event. User observation movement observation: spatial path flows movement activity location time alone/groups Interview Interview questions: What are your thoughts about having digital interactions at the skatepark? What was your first impression when you interacted with the design? Which feature of our…

Team 10 Blog#5 Week 7

In week 7, our group discussed together and decided to come up with the concept according to our previous report. Concept: The Tree The concept combines the following two places in the skatepark. 3M High Wall Ride Shade shelter This concept is separated into two main parts, the projector and the camera. There is a…

Team 10 Blog#1 Week 2

In last week, we conducted observations and analysis in the site excursion at Sydenham skatepark. At first, We created a static map of the site. We used tracing paper to map the use of the space with lines. We traced different people’s trajectories and add annotations of some information. Attached below are our observations: The picture…