
This week we added plastic sheets as shells for the led legs, and final testing and debugging. Considered the thick of the bench leg and how bright the skatepark is at night, we decided to cover the bench leg with frosted white, half transparent plastic sheet and hide the led behind the sheet for a…


This week’s progress: we make the code running properly, do a field measurement, buy all the material we need, and although we have some back and forth on installing, we gain practical experience and right direction on assembling our project. Things to be done: final install, reinforcement, led color combination and selection On Monday, we…

Blog#6 Progress Present and Tech Solutions

We went to the park on Monday and we did some measuring for the rail and the surrounded area we want to use. We also selected the point of location if we are going to use the through bean sensor or ultrasonic sensor. We brought a led strip to test its performance at night and…


Forgot to upload the week3 blog, here we are. This week we finished writing the research report and presentation. As we had another field observation last week, we got all we need for the video portrait, photos, data, and field map drawing. We assigned the specific task to each team member last week and made…