Week 13 – Sk8er Bois – Fine tuning and Presentation

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Week 13 involved fine-tuning our wearable design and getting ready for the Presentation on site. The day before the event, the Sk8er Bois went out to run last minute errands such as obtaining water, snacks, extra Velcro, batteries, and other items that might be needed during the event.

During the actual event on Saturday, we showed up around 2pm to “set up” and get ready to start. In total juxtaposition to last week’s weather, the sun bore down heavily on the site causing temperatures to be in the high 20s.Just for it to get pretty cold later in the day.

We were able to get multiple skaters,  from various ages, to test out our design. To our joy, we received unanimous positive reviews, as well as good constructive criticisms.

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The sound  and lights outputs were great during the day, but it wasn’t til the sun went down and the site’s lights turned on that the Skating: Sonified got to really “shine”.

Multiple people came by to tell us their enjoyment for the project and interest. We even got the chance to talk with Lee Nelson from Branch Nebula, whom we took much inspiration fromfor this project. He gave us his praise, as well as, shared some pointers, such as perhaps exploring possible different locations of the speaker or different melodies. He even shared his experiences with sound based projects.

Overall, the Sk8ter Bois had a great time showcasing Skating: Sonified and was finally relieved to be able to show it off to the world!



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